著者: Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons.
出版商: Shannon, Irish University Press [1971]
v. 1. Civil disorder.–v. 2. Consular establishments.–v. 3-4. Coolie emigration.–v. 5. Diplomatic affairs.–v. 6-21. Commercial reports.–v. 22. Explorations.–v. 23. Foreign concessions.–v. 24-26. Hong Kong.–v. 27-28. Military affairs.–v. 29. Missionaries.–v. 30-31. Opium War and opium trade.–v. 32. Taiping Rebellion.–v. 33-35. Treaty of Tientsin.–v. 36-40. Trade.–v. 41. Western China.–v. 42. Miscellaneous.
1. Correspondence, dispatches, and other papers respecting anti-foreign riots, insults, and attacks in China, 1840-92. 1971 2. Correspondence, ordinances, orders in council, reports, and other papers respecting consular establishments in China, 1833-81. 1971 3. Correspondence, dispatches and other communications respecting the emigration of Chinese coolies, 1852-58. 1971 4. Correspondence and returns respecting the emigration of Chinese coolies, 1858-92. 1971 5. Correspondence, dispatches, notes and conventions respecting Chinese relations with Great Britain and other countries, 1860-99. 1971 6. Embassy and consular commercial reports, 1854-66. 1972 7. Embassy and consular commercial reports, 1866-67. 1971 8. Embassy and consular commercial reports, 1867-69. 1971 9. Embassy and consular commercial reports 1870-71. 1971 10. Embassy and consular commercial reports 1872-73. 1971 11. Embassy and consular commercial reports, 1874-77. 1971 12. Embassy and consular commercial reports, 1877-79. 1971 13. Embassy and consular commercial reports, 1880-81. 1971 14. Embassy and consular commercial reports, 1882-84. 1971 15. Embassy and consular commercial reports, 1884-88. 1971 16. Embassy and consular commercial reports, 1888-90. 1972 17. Embassy and consular commercial reports, 1890-94. 1972 18. Embassy and consular commercial reports, 1893-95. 1971 19. Embassy and consular commercial reports, 1895-97. 1971 20. Embassy and consular commercial reports, 1897-98. 1971 21. Embassy and consular commercial reports, 1898-99. 1971 22. Reports of journeys in China and Japan by members of Her Majesty’s consular service and others, 1868-92. 1971 23. Correspondence respecting foreign concessions in China, 1898-99. 1971 24. Correspondence, dispatches, reports, ordinances, memoranda and other papers relating to the affairs of Hong Kong, 1846-60. 1971 25. Correspondence, dispatches, reports, returns, memorials and other papers respecting the affairs of Hong Kong, 1862-81. 1971 26. Correspondence, annual reports, conventions, and other papers relating to the affairs of Hong Kong, 1882-99. 1971 27. Correspondence, dispatches, returns and other papers respecting British military affairs in China, 1840-69. 1971 28. Select committee report on mortality of troops in China, 1866. 1971 29. Correspondence, dispatches, circulars and other papers respecting missionaries in China, 1868-72. 1971 30. Correspondence, orders in council, and reports relative to the opium war in China, 1840. 1971 31. Correspondence, returns, orders in council and other papers respecting the opium war and opium trade in China. 1840-85. 1971 32. Correspondence, memorials, orders in council and other papers respecting fhe Taiping rebellion in China, 1852-64. 1971 33. Correspondence respecting the background and negotiation of the treaty of Tientsin, 1857-59. 1971 34. Treaty of peace, friendship and commerce, signed at Tientsin 26 June 1858, with related conventions, correspondence, memorials and dispatches, 1860-64. 1971 35. Correspondence respecting the revision of the treaty of Tientsin, 1867-83. 1971 36. Select committee reports on the East India Company and trade with China, 1821-31. 1971 37. Report from the Select Committee on the Affairs of the East India Company and the trade between Great Britain, the East Indies and China, 1830. 1971 38. Report of the Select Committee on commercial relations with China, 1847. 1971 39. General correspondence, dispatches and reports relating to the rules, regulations, and other aspects of the trade between Great Britain and China, 1831-99. 1971 40. Statistical returns, accounts and other papers respecting the trade between Great Britain and China, 1802-88. 1972 41. Correspondence, dispatches and other papers respecting Western China, 1864-98. 1971 42. Correspondence, returns and other papers respecting postal arrangements and miscellaneous affairs in China, 1857-94. 1972 |