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2017-11-8 00:00| 发布者: 档案馆| 查看: 3353| 评论: 0|原作者: 马光|来自: 海交史

摘要: 欧美汉学期刊 A List of Journals of Sinology 1. American Historical Review ?美国历史评论 2. American Journal of Chinese Studies?美国汉学研究杂志 3. American Political Science Review?美国政治评论 4. Arc ...

A List of Journals of Sinology
1. American Historical Review ?美国历史评论
2. American Journal of Chinese Studies?美国汉学研究杂志
3. American Political Science Review?美国政治评论
4. Archaeology?考古学
5. Asia Major?亚洲专刊
6. Asian and African Studies?亚非研究
7. Asian Culture?亚洲文化
8. Asian Folklore Studies?亚洲民俗研究
9. Asian Studies Association of Australia Review ?澳大利亚亚洲研究学会评论
10. Asian Thought & Society: an International Review?亚洲思潮与社会
11. Bibliography of Asian Studies ?亚洲研究文献目录
12. Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars ?关心亚洲学者通报
13. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies ?亚非学院院刊
14. Bulletin of the Society for the Study of Chinese Religions?中国宗教研究学报
15. Bulletin of Sung and Yuan Studies?宋元研究通报
16. Books Abroad?国外图书
17. China ?中国评论
18. China Notes ?中国札记
19. China Quarterly ?中国季刊
20. China Review ?中国书评
21. Chinese Culture ?中国文化
22. Chinese Literature ?中国文学
23. Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews?中国文学:论文、文章、评论
24. Ch’ing Shi Wen-Ti?清史问题
25. Chinoperl Papers?中文集粹
26. China Review International?中国研究书评
27. Chinese Studies ?汉学研究
28. Chinese Studies in History ?中国历史研究
29. Comparative Literature ?美国比较文学协会会刊
30. Comparative Literature Studies ?比较文学研究
31. Criticism?批评
32. Early China ?古代中国
33. Early Medieval China?中国中古研究杂志
34. English Historical Review ?英国历史书评
35. Free China Review ?自由中国评论
36. Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies ?哈佛亚洲研究
37. History of Religions ?宗教史
38. International Affairs?国际事务
39. International History Review?国际历史评论
40. International Philosophical Quarterly?国际哲学季刊
41. Journal of the American Oriental Society?美国东方学会会刊
42. Journal of Asian and African Studies?亚非研究杂志
43. Journal of Asian Culture ?亚洲文化研究
44. Journal of Asian History ?亚洲史杂志
45. Journal of Asian Studies?亚洲研究杂志
46. Journal of Chinese Philosophy?中国哲学杂志
47. Journal of Chinese Religions?中国宗教杂志
48. Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association?汉语教师协会会刊
49. Journal of Oriental Literature.东方文学杂志
50. Journal of Oriental Studies?东方文化/东方研究丛刊
51. Journal of Sung-Yung Studies?宋元辽金
52. Journal of the American Academy of Religion?美国宗教学会会刊
53. Journal of the American Oriental Society?美国东方学会会刊
54. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society?皇家亚洲文会会刊
55. Journal of the Oriental Society of Australia ?澳大利亚东方学会会刊
56. Late Imperial China?末代中华帝国
57. Literature East &West?东西文学
58. Ming Studies ?明史研究
59. Michigan Monographs in Chinese Studies ?密歇根中国研究论丛
60. Modern Asian Studies?现代亚洲研究
61. Modern China?近代中国
62. Monumenta Serica?华裔学志
63. New Library History. Charlottesville?新图书馆史
64. New Literary History?新文学史
65. New Yorker Magazine?纽约人杂志
66. New York Times Book Review?纽约时报图书评论
67. Oriental Art?东方艺术
68. Oxford Magazine?牛津学刊
69. Papers on China?中国文丛
70. Papers on Far Eastern History?远东历史论文集
71. Pacific Affairs?太平洋事务
72. Philosophy East & West?东西哲学
73. Positions: East Asia Cultures Critique,立场
74. Review of National Literature?民族文学评论
75. Rochy Mountain Review of Language and Literature?洛杉矶语言文学评论
76. Sung Studies News Letter?宋代研究通报
77. The Journal of Asian Studies?亚洲研究杂志
78. The American Asian Rewiew
79. Tamkang Review?淡江评论(台湾)
80. T’ang Studies?唐代研究
81. Taoist Resources?道家文献
82. Times Literary Supplement ?泰晤士文学副刊
83. T’oung Pao?通报(荷兰)
84. Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada?加拿大皇家学会会报
85. Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies?清华学报(台湾)
86. The American Journal of Chinese Studies?美国中国研究会会刊
87. Translation Center Newsletter?翻译中心通报
88. West and East Monthly?中美月刊
89. Yearbook of Comparative and General Literature?总体文学与比较文学年鉴
90. Yearbook of Comparative Criticism. Univ of Park ?比较评论年鉴
91. Antiquity?古物
92. Archaeometry
93. Journal of Archaeological Science
94. Journal of Archaeological Research
95. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology
96. History and Theory: Studies in the Philosophy of History
97. Journal of American History
98. Journal of World History
99. Past and Present
100. Bulletin of the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities
