2016-09-02 晓华
2016海洋史国际学术研讨会——环中国海周边的诸海域世界:跨洋市场、关连与动力 时间:2016年8月31日至9月1日(周三至周四) 地点:中研院人社中心第1会议室(台北市南港区研究院路二段128号) 主办单位:中研院人文社会科学研究中心亚太区域研究专题中心海洋史研究、日本东京大学 联络人:何书亚,Tel: (02) 2789-8121;E-mail: maritime@ssp.sinica.edu.tw 连结网址: http://www.rchss.sinica.edu.tw/news/news.php?Sn=1796 内容简介: 8月31日 9:40-10:30 【Keynote speech】 Dutch-Chineseinteractions in and around the China Seas long term perspectives c. 1660-1780(Prof. Gerrit Knaap) 10:40-12:00 Chair: GerritKnaap Countries forCommercial Relations (Tsusho-no-Kuni 通商国)”:The Tokugawa Struggle to Control Chinese in Japan(松方冬子) 讲题待定(Peter Boschberg) Discussant:Leonard Blussé 13:30-14:50 Chair: Peter Boschberg The Sugar Trade bythe Dutch East India Company and its Rivals for the Japanese Market in theSeventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries(岛田龙登) Discussant:古慧雯 Radix China andPutchock of India: Herbal exchange around maritime Asia via the VOC during the17 and 18th centuries.(郑维中) Discussant:张彬村 15:10-17:10 Chair:张彬村 The End of aCommercial Era: From the English Junk Affair to the Vietnamese Maritime Embargoin 1693 (Anh-tuan Hoang) Discussant:太田淳 The VOC Activitiesand the Formation of Local Territorial Powers: Cases of Longkiau andPimaba in Formosa(康培德) Discussant: PeterBoschberg 十八世纪占婆与山地民族的关系(牛军凯) Discussant:郑永常 9月1日 10:30-11:50 Chair:刘石吉 从东亚海域的视点再思清代的朝贡与互市(刘序枫) Discussant:张启雄 公.私领域之间:长崎侨领陈世望(1901-1940)(朱德兰) Discussant:江柏炜 14:00-15:20 Chair:Leonard Blussé College vanBoedermeesters of Batavia in the 17th and 18th Century Opportunities inthe City of Migrant: Chinese Entrepreneurs and BataviaDevelopment in the Second Half of the 18th Century. (Bondan Kanumoyoso) Discussant:Gerrit Knaap 15:40-17:00 Chair:陈国栋 Trade, migrationand diffusion of knowledge around the South China Sea during the modern period:the case of sericulture(毛传慧) Discussant:康培德 Development ofCash-crop Production in Colonial Minahasa: Non-Plantation Cultivation of Coffeeand Copra(太田淳) Discussant:陈计尧 信息来源:http://www.rchss.sinica.edu.tw/news/news.php?Sn=1796 图文编排:晓华 |