Joint East Asian Studies Conference (JEAS) 2016Date: 7 September 2016Time: 9:00 AM Finishes: 9 September 2016Time: 5:00 PM Venue: Russell Square: College Buildings Type of Event: Conference The Joint East Asian Studies (JEAS) conference is a triennial meeting held by the three academic associations representing East Asian Studies in the UK:
This conference provides a major venue for the dissemination of research on East Asian Studies in various disciplines for academics from both the UK and abroad. Important datesImportant dates:
Notification of acceptance: Friday, 6 May 2016 Registration
Call for papersSubmission GuidelinesWe welcome submissions from established academics and doctoral candidates in any field of East Asian studies working within any academic institution internationally. Priority will be given to panel submissions, but individual paper submissions are also welcome and if accepted will be organised into thematic panels. Panel sessions will comprise no more than four presenters in any one panel and should indicate a panel chair/ discussant. Panel submissions should organise around a key theme or field and should take the form of a panel outline of no more than 200 words, which will be published on the conference website and in the conference programme. Panel chairs are responsible for collecting paper abstracts from panellists. Paper abstracts should be no more than 350 words each and must include a title, author affiliation and contact details. The conference is centred on five key themes and panels in these themes are particularly encouraged:
Accepted paper presenters will be allowed 15 minutes for presentation and an additional 5 minutes for question and answer session with the audience. How to SubmitElectronic submissions of abstracts (350 words maximum) will be through EasyChair () If you do not already have an EasyChair Account please sign up first here (IMPORTANT: for identification purposes please make sure that you use the same email address as the one used for the conference registration). When you start your submission in EasyChair, you first select “new submission”. You can later edit your submission by selecting, “my submissions” and then highlighting your abstract and choosing “update information”. For panel submissions one person should enter the details of all presenters. The panel outline should be entered in the abstract filed. Paper abstracts should be collated and added at the bottom of the page under ‘Uploads’. All submissions will be peer-reviewed by three reviewers of the Program Committee. For each accepted paper participants are expected to register during the early bird registration, as this will allow the programme committee time to plan the schedule accordingly to themes. Contact the organising committee for further information about panel proposals: Keynote speakers
RegistrationImportant dates
The organisers plan to confirm the registration rates in the coming weeks. Organiser: SOAS, University of London Contact email: Contact Tel: +44 (0)20 7898 4892/3 |